Prepare Your Child For School

Many young children look forward to being with other children and engaging in the fun and stimulating activities they’ve seen on their prior visits to the school, but many also feel some unhappiness at saying goodbye to parents. In order to make your child’s transition from home to preschool as comfortable as possible, the following suggestions should help you to prepare your child.

1. Relax! Remember that both you and the school feel your child is “ready” to be part of a program out of the home.

2. Talk to your child in the same way about preschool as you would about an exciting place to go or person to visit.

3. Make any choice about “going to school” your decision NOT your child’s as this can lead to endless negotiations and an overall attitude about “school” that is undesirable.

4. Please walk your child to the teacher meeting children and say “Goodbye” so your child can focus on the start of the school day without the uncertainty of not knowing when you will be leaving.

5. Talk over any concerns with the preschool teacher without delay. First thing in the morning, when she is busy greeting children and preparing for the class, is not the best time, but a request for a phone call that day or a brief conference that week can be arranged.