Please be On Time!

To get the most out of the school day, please make sure your child arrives in time. Being punctual at arrival and dismissal times is important for a child’s sense of security.
Arrivals and Dismissals
When we supervise your children we give them our full attention. When you are picking up or dropping off your child, please give your full attention to him or her. Please refrain from using your cell phone during this transition time.
Arriving children are to be accompanied by a parent to the teacher. Children may be picked up only by adults listed in their file. Any changes to the list must be made in writing and signed and dated by the child’s parent. Please sign your children in and out when you drop them off and pick them up.
Pick up Times
The morning children are to be picked up between 12:45 and 1 pm. The full day children are to be picked up between 3:00 and 3:15.
After School Care As Needed
You may use the early arrival and after school options on an as needed basis. It is $15.00 per time per child. Please let us know in advance if your child will be staying late.
Notification of Absence
Please notify us if your child will not be coming to school due to illness, injury, vacation, or other reason on Brightwheel.
Snow Days and School Closures
We follow the Santa Fe Public School’s decisions about weather related late openings, early closings and cancellation of school. As soon as we know, we will put a notice on this website’s home page, email all parents, and change the message on the school phone, 466-1251. If the Santa Fe Public Schools call for a two hour delay, we will open at 10 a.m. Any delay more than two hours will be a cancellation for our school.
Hanging Files
Your child has a hanging file by the entrance in which the teacher will put completed work for you to bring home. We will also occasionally put notices in these files. Check them every day.
Reports and Conferences
We have parent conferences in August, October, January and May. You are, of course, welcome to speak to the teachers before and after school.
The younger children nap in the afternoon. The older children simply rest quietly. The school provides the napping mats. You may send a pillowcase (to slide over the napping mat) and a small blanket to keep at school if your child will be sleeping.
Appropriate Dress for Children
Kids play and get messy, kids are artistic and get messy, and kids explore and get messy. Please let your child dress in clothes that can get messy, too. Children should wear comfortable clothing which they can manage by themselves. We play outdoors, so your child should wear shoes that he or she can run and play in. Apply sunscreen if needed, before you arrive at school, as the teachers do not apply sunscreen to the children. In the winter, we still play outside almost every day. Children should have warm coats, hats, gloves or mittens and warm shoes or boots in the winter.
Extra Change of Clothes
On the first day of school, please bring an extra change of clothes for your child. In case of spills or accidents, children will then be able to change clothes. When the weather turns cooler, bring in a second warmer set of spare clothes to trade out.
Celebrating Holidays
Although the school does not celebrate religious holidays, we encourage parents to present different cultural celebrations in the context of stories, special foods and family traditions. Examples: Fiesta de Santa Fe, Day of the Dead, Hanukkah, Christmas, Chinese New Year, Passover, etc.
Volunteer Opportunities
We request parents’ help in a variety of ways: Be a guest teacher, and share a lesson with the children. Assist teachers with special projects or holidays. Help with maintenance projects around the school. Bring in special treats for holidays.
Licensed and Inspected by the Early Childhood Education and Care Department.